October Wine Seance – “France according to Kermit Lynch”

October Wine Seance
"France according to Kermit Lynch"
Thursday, October 24th, from 5:00 to 6:30
(Arrive by 5:30 to partake.)
Our friend Lucas Gutierrez of Quench Fine Wines has travelled through France with Kermit Lynch’s Group, and will be sharing his first-hand knowledge of the properties whose wines we’ll be tasting.
Kermit Lynch is the famed author of Adventures on the Wine Route and importer of small, artisan wine producers who has won two James Beard awards and was knighted by the French government with their prestigious “Legion d’Honneur.” The Farish House will always be carrying a few wines imported by KLWM. They are so good!
For reservations, click below or call 602-281-6659.
Get in the Spirit, the last Thursday of each month...
Returning to restaurant life after working in the wine industry for many years, the thing I miss most from those days is sharing a glass with the people who make, represent and sell the wine; people who can tell me so much more about the places, people and history that make a bottle what it is.
And so... the Farish House hosts casual monthly “Wine Seances” where someone from the industry will join us at table, sample 4-5 wines with paired appetizers, and we’ll just sip, laugh and chat for a minute together.
Then, we can progress on to Prosecco Spritzes, dinner or desserts, or, ahem, more wine. It's an old house, so who knows... maybe we'll summon a ghost.
See you there,